As a full time dental hygienist and mother of three beautiful children, I sometimes wonder how I have time for photography....but because it is a passion of mine, I somehow, somewhere, find the time. I started out photographing my babies, but they weren't always the most cooperative. It was then that I discovered that some of my favorite pictures weren't those where they were posed, looking directly at the camera, or smiling with a perfect smile. It was the pictures that captured a moment, a memory, of them living life! They may have been sleeping, laughing, crying, or even throwing an all out tantrum, but that was them in that moment. That is the beauty of photography...the ability to capture life, even for one split second, a memory can be forever imprinted.
I Love taking pictures and exploring my creative side. I feel that everytime I snap a picture, everytime I sit down at the computer to edit... I am learning something new...and it is invigorating! That is why I do this!
As busy as I am, I only take on a few sessions when time allows me to! But if I can find a few minutes here or there....I will grab my camera!